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"""This module implements the Anti-Poaching game environment with 
M poachers and N rangers.

:class:`raw_env` implements APE as a PettingZoo environment, but it is recommended
to use :meth:`parallel_env` to obtain a fully formed environment. This is because
:meth:`parallel_env` handles the creation of the :class:`utils.game_utils.BaseGridState`
object that encapsulates the game state and is internally used by the APE instance.
import functools
import numpy as np
from pettingzoo.utils.env import ParallelEnv
from .utils.game_utils import BaseGridState, GridStateConstProb, Trap
    "render_modes": BaseGridState.RENDER_MODES,
    "is_parallelizable": True,

def parallel_env(
    grid_size: int = 10,
    nrangers: int = 2,
    npoachers: int = 2,
    ntraps_per_poacher: int = 3,
    prob_detect_cell: int = 0.2,
    prob_animal_appear: float = 0.2,
    prob_detect_trap: float = 0.2,
    max_time: int = 200,
    seed: int = None,
    render_mode: str = "ansi",
    grid_class: BaseGridState = GridStateConstProb,
    """Factory function to instantiate an AntiPoachingGame.
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    :param grid_size: The size of the square grid to use. Defaults to 10.
    :type grid_size: int, optional
    :param nrangers: The number of ranger agents in this instance.
        Defaults to 2.
    :type grid_size: int, optional
    :param npoachers: The number of poacher agents in this instance.
        Defaults to 2.
    :type grid_size: int, optional
    :param ntraps_per_poacher: The number of traps each poacher starts the
        game with. Defaults to 3.
    :type grid_size: int, optional
    :param prob_detect_cell: Probability that an agent detects another agent.
        Defaults to 0.2.
    :type prob_detect_cell: float, optional
    :param prob_animal_appear: Probability that an animal is captured in a
        trap. Defaults to 0.2.
    :type prob_animal_appear: float, optional
    :param prob_detect_trap: Probability that an agent detects a trap. Defaults
        to 0.2.
    :type prob_detect_trap: float, optional
    :param max_time: The horizon of the game, or the timestep at which
        the game is automatically terminated. Defaults to 200.
    :type max_time: int, optional
    :param seed: The seed of the environment. Required to reproduce the same
        environment. Note that the `default_rng` is used to generate seeds
        for the locations, action and observations spaces of each agent using
        the :meth:`raw_env.tap` method. `None` by default i.e. unseeded.
    :type seed: int, optional
    :param render_mode: Render mode to visualise the environment. Can be `rgb`
        or `ansi` (default).
    :type render_mode: str, optional
    :param grid_class: Grid Class to use to store the game state. This can be
        changed to use changing prob_animal_appear environments. Currently,
        supported values are :class:`utils.game_utils.GridStateConstProb` (default)
        and :class:`utils.game_utils.GridStateVaryingPCA` (default). New
        environments must use the :class:`utils.game_utils.BaseGridState` interface
    :type render_mode: BaseGridState, optional

    :return: Initialised APE environment.
    :rtype: raw_env

    # Create the agents
    rangers = [f"ranger_{i}" for i in range(nrangers)]
    poachers = [f"poacher_{i}" for i in range(npoachers)]

    # Create the grid-object that stores the state
    grid = grid_class(

    return raw_env(

class raw_env(ParallelEnv):
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    """This implements APE as a PettingZoo ParallelEnv environment.

    :param grid: This is the :class:`utils.game_utils.BaseGridState` object that
        handles the game state.
    :type grid: BaseGridState
    :param rangers: The list of Ranger IDs to use for the game.
    :type rangers: list[str]
    :param poachers: The list of Poacher IDs to use for the game.
    :type poachers: list[str]
    :param max_time: The maximum number of timesteps before the game is
        automatically terminated.
    :type poachers: int
    :param seed: The seed to initialise `self.rng` object. Note that
        this will be used to seed all action/observation spaces, as well
        as the initial locations of the agents in `self.grid`.
    :type poachers: int, optional
    def tap(self) -> int:
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        """Taps into the random number generator to give a random integer.
        This is used to generate new pseudo-random seeds for the spaces when reset.
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        :return: An integer taken from the `self.rng` object.
        :rtype: int
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        return int(self.rng.integers(1, 1e6, 1))

    def __init__(
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        rangers: list,
        poachers: list,
        self.rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed)
        # time properties
        self.max_time = max_time
        self.curr_time = 0

        # agent parameters
        self.ntraps_per_poacher = ntraps_per_poacher

        self.poachers = poachers
        self.rangers = rangers
        self.agents = self.rangers + self.poachers
        self.possible_agents = self.agents[:]
        self.poacher_traps = {
            poacher: [
                for i in range(self.ntraps_per_poacher)
            for poacher in self.poachers

        # Arena-related properties
        # Convenience attributes
        self._ranger_obs_size = 8 + nrangers
        self._poacher_obs_size = 7

        # Spaces parameters.
        self.action_spaces = {
                ranger: gym.spaces.Discrete(5, seed=self.tap())
                poacher: gym.spaces.Discrete(6, seed=self.tap())
        self.observation_spaces = {
                        "observations": gym.spaces.Box(
                            np.array(  # high
                                    max_time,  # max time
                                    *[self.grid.N] * 2,  # location
                                    *[1] * nrangers,  # partner rangers
                                    npoachers,  # #captured-poachers
                                        ntraps_per_poacher * npoachers,
                                    ],  # poacher-captured traps
                                        ntraps_per_poacher * npoachers,
                                    ],  # grid-captured traps
                        "observations": gym.spaces.Box(
                            np.array([0, *[-1] * 2, *[0] * 2, 0, 0]),
                                    max_time,  # max time
                                    *[self.grid.N] * 2,  # location
                                    ntraps_per_poacher,  # #traps
                                    np.iinfo(INTEGER).max,  # #prey
                                    nrangers,  # #rangers detected
                                    npoachers,  # #poachers detected
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    def reset(self, seed: int = None, options: dict = None) -> tuple:
        """Resets the environment for the next episode. If new configurations
        are to be set, then we use the options dictionary as follows.
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        >>> env = parallel_env( ... )
        Here, a None `seed` means that the internal RNG of our GridState object
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        is randomly reset, and thus will generate a new starting position.

        :param seed: The seed value to be used. `None` by default.
        :type seed: int, optional
        :param options: Options that will be forwarded to :meth:`BaseGridState.reset`\
                for the reset. Currently for forward compatibility only.
        :type options: dict, optional

        # Reset the game parameters: Only override if supplied.
        seed = seed if seed else self.seed
        options = options if options is not None else {}
        self.agents = self.possible_agents[:]
        self.poacher_traps = {
            poacher: [
                for i in range(self.ntraps_per_poacher)
            for poacher in self.poachers
        # Creating a default object to copy for both agents
        _def_ranger_obs = self.observation_space("ranger_0").sample()
        _def_poacher_obs = self.observation_space("poacher_0").sample()
        # and zero-ing them out since most init obs are zero.
        _def_ranger_obs["observations"] = np.zeros_like(
            _def_ranger_obs["observations"], dtype=INTEGER
        _def_poacher_obs["observations"] = np.zeros_like(
            _def_poacher_obs["observations"], dtype=INTEGER
        for agent in self.agents:
            # Re-seed/reinitialise all spaces

            # create appropriate observations for t=0
            _copy_obj, _size = (
                (_def_ranger_obs, 3)
            obs[agent] = deepcopy(_copy_obj)
            obs[agent]["observations"][0] = self.max_time
            obs[agent]["observations"][1:_size] = self.grid.state[agent]
            obs[agent]["action_mask"] = self.grid.permitted_movements(agent)
        # returning infos dictionary with reset
        return obs, dict.fromkeys(self.agents, {self.curr_time})

    def step(self, actions: dict) -> tuple:
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        """Receives a joint action, and sends the rewards and observations
        for the next state.

        :param actions: Dictionary mapping agent IDs to legal actions for
            this step.
        :type actions: dict
        :return: A tuple of dictionaries over the agent IDs. These are the
            Observations, Rewards, Terminated statuses, Truncated statuses
            and Infos.
        :rtype: tuple[dict]

        self.curr_time += 1

        # creating local objects ...
        rewards = dict.fromkeys(self.agents, 0.0)
        terminations = dict.fromkeys(self.agents, False)
        truncations = dict.fromkeys(self.agents, False)
        infos = dict.fromkeys(self.agents, {})

        # ... and the obs dict, with dummy action masks for now.
        for agent in self.agents:
            _size = (
                else self._poacher_obs_size
                "observations": np.zeros(_size, dtype=INTEGER),
        # Now we run through the transitions ! The obs
        # dictionary is populated by each helper function.
        # Step 1: Rangers move first

        # Step 2: Poachers move and remove their traps
        self._poachers_move_and_get_traps(actions, rewards, obs)

        # Step 3: Rangers remove traps and remaining traps capture animals

        # Step 4: Rangers remove poachers and remaining poachers place traps
        self._rangers_remove_poachers(rewards, obs)
        # update the obs for the agents with time, new state and action masks
        time_status = self.curr_time >= self.max_time
        for agent in self.agents:
            obs[agent]["observations"][0] = self.max_time - self.curr_time
                obs[agent]["observations"][1:3] = self.grid.state[agent]
                obs[agent]["action_mask"] = self.grid.permitted_movements(
            elif "poacher" in agent:
                _action_mask = self.grid.permitted_movements(agent)
                _action_mask[5] = int(len(self.poacher_traps[agent]) > 0)
                obs[agent]["observations"][1:5] = self.grid.state[agent]
                obs[agent]["action_mask"] = _action_mask

            # update terminations for next step. Note that all agents are
            # technically alive until max_time: captured poachers are just
            # in a captured state.
        # Agents are terminated on the last step.
        self.agents = [] if time_status else self.agents
        return obs, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos

    def render(self):
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        """This method forwards the render call to `self.grid` i.e.
        it calls `self.grid.render()`, which will then use the
        chosen `render_mode` to render the game.

    def state(self) -> dict:
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        """Returns `self.grid`'s internal state representation.

        :return: Dictionary representation of the state. This maps
            agent IDs to their locations + traps/prey status, if any,
            and the locations of all active traps on the grid.
        :rtype: dict
        return self.grid.state

    def _assign_reward(
        self, poacher: AgentID, reward: float, rewards: dict
    ) -> None:
        """Assigns the reward to poacher, and splits the reward among the
        cooperative rangers. A positive reward adds to poacher and
        for ranger in self.rangers:
            rewards[ranger] -= reward / len(self.rangers)

    def _rangers_move(self, actions: dict, obs: dict) -> None:
        """Helper function to move the rangers and update their obs
        for ranger in [r for r in self.rangers if 1 <= actions[r] <= 4]:
            self.grid.update_position(ranger, actions[ranger])
            for nbor_ranger in [
                for r in self.grid.get_neighbours(ranger)
                if r != ranger and "ranger" in r
                    2 + int(nbor_ranger.split("_")[-1])
                ] = 1

    def _poachers_move_and_get_traps(
    ) -> None:
        """Helper function: Moves the poachers according to actions
        and removes their traps (if found) on the next step."""
        for poacher in [
            for p in self.poachers
            if 0 <= actions[p] <= 4 and self.grid.state[p][0] >= 0
            # Skipping over captured poachers ...
            self.grid.update_position(poacher, actions[poacher])
            for _trap in [
                for _t in self.grid.state
                if isinstance(_t, Trap)
                and all(self.grid.state[_t] == self.grid.state[poacher][0:2])
                and poacher in
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                # update the state of poachers and assign reward.
                # Note: poacher obs will contain the new state anyway,
                # and will be updated at the end of the transition. So,
                # do not do a double write ==> write only to state now.
                self.grid.state[poacher][2:] += (1, _trap.value)
                    poacher, self.grid.remove_trap(_trap), rewards
            # Update obs for detected agents as well
            _loc = self.grid.state[poacher][:2]
            for nbor in self.grid.get_neighbours(poacher):
                if self.rng.random() < self.grid.prob_detect_cell(_loc):
                    key = 5 if "ranger" in nbor else 6
                    obs[poacher]["observations"][key] += 1
    def _rangers_remove_traps(self, rewards: dict, obs: dict):
        remove traps in their current cells.
        Note that detection depends on self.prob_detect_trap."""
        # First all agents detect traps.
        traps_detected = set()  # Multiple agents can detect same trap
        for _trap in [_t for _t in self.grid.state if isinstance(_t, Trap)]:
            _loc = self.grid.state[_trap]  # also the nbor.rangers locations
            for ranger in self.grid.get_neighbours(_trap):
                if self.rng.random() < self.grid.prob_detect_trap(_loc):

        for _trap in traps_detected:
            # Extract the owning poacher name
            _poacher = "_".join("_")[-2:])

            # If trap value is zero(before reset/capture, it was empty)
            key = -2 if _trap.value == 0 else -1
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            for ranger in [
                _r for _r in self.grid.get_neighbours(_trap) if "ranger" in _r
                obs[ranger]["observations"][key] += 1
            # Assign rewards to Rangers. Includes trap removal logic.
                _poacher, -self.grid.remove_trap(_trap), rewards
    def _rangers_remove_poachers(self, rewards: dict, obs: dict):
        """Helper function where rangers detect and remove poachers in their
        current cell. Detection depends on self.prob_detect_cell"""
        caught_poachers = set()
            if self.grid.state[_poacher][1] < 0:
            _loc = self.grid.state[_poacher]
            for _ranger in [
                for _r in self.grid.get_neighbours(_poacher)
                if "ranger" in _r
                and self.rng.random() < self.grid.prob_detect_cell(_loc)
                caught_poachers.add(_poacher)  # Poacher detected.
                self.grid.remove_poacher(_poacher)  # C_capture
                + self.grid.state[_poacher][-1]  # C_prey
                * self.grid.REWARD_MAP["PREY_FOUND"]
                + self.grid.state[_poacher][-2]  # C_trap
                * self.grid.REWARD_MAP["TRAP_FOUND"]
            self._assign_reward(_poacher, -penalty, rewards)
            # Update the trap and prey status for implicated rangers:
            # First increment #of caught poachers, then #traps/prey captured.
            for _ranger in [
                for _r in self.grid.get_neighbours(_poacher)
                if "ranger" in _r
                obs[_ranger]["observations"][-5] += 1
                obs[_ranger]["observations"][-4:-2] += self.grid.state[
    def _poachers_place_traps(self, actions: dict):
        """Helper function where poachers place traps. Note that this will not
        succeed if poacher has no traps to place."""
        for poacher in [
            for p in self.poachers
            if self.grid.state[p][1] >= 0 and actions[p] == 5
            trap = self.poacher_traps[poacher].pop()  # Will throw if empty.
            self.grid.add_trap(trap, self.grid.state[poacher][0:2])
            self.grid.state[poacher][2] -= 1
            assert self.grid.state[poacher][2] == len(
            ), f"Trap status out of sync for {poacher}"

    def _traps_catch_animals(self):
        """Helper function where currently active
        traps catch prey if they have not already."""
        for trap in [t for t in self.grid.state if isinstance(t, Trap)]:
                trap.value == 0
                and self.rng.random() < self.grid.prob_animal_appear(_loc)
    def observation_space(self, agent):
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        """Return an agent's observation space. The observations are vectors
        with different lower and upper bounds. The older implementation used
        dictionaries, which favored readibility over usability. We also assume
        that a poacher can detect the number of their own traps in the
        current cell with probability 1.

        :param agent: The agent ID for which to get the observation space.
        :type agent: str
        :return: The observation space (a :class:`gym.spaces.Box` instance)
            corresponding to `agent`.
        :rtype: :class:`gymnasium.spaces.Box`
        return self.observation_spaces[agent]

    def action_space(self, agent):
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        """Return an agent's action space. Note that we assume the
        following conventions for the actions:

           * 0-4 : NOOP, up, left, down, right
           * 5   : (poachers only) place-trap

        :param agent: The agent ID for which to get the action space.
        :type agent: str
        :return: The action space (a :class:`gym.spaces.Discrete` instance)
            corresponding to `agent`.
        :rtype: :class:`gymnasium.spaces.Discrete`

        return self.action_spaces[agent]