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Merged Laurent BEAULATON requested to merge 64-job-failed-1311881 into
+ 106
#' Internal function, tests the connection and if it works loads the stacomi interface
#' @note \code{base} is copied by stacomi into envir_stacomi. Same for \code{database_expected}
#' @param ... Other arguments
#' @return Nothing
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{}
#' @keywords internal
load_stacomi <- function(...) {
# assigned when passing through stacomi
database_expected <- get("database_expected", envir_stacomi) # logical true or false
if (database_expected) {
sch <- get_schema()
dbname <- options("stacomiR.dbname")[[1]]
host <- options("")[[1]]
port <- options("stacomiR.port")[[1]]
user <- options("stacomiR.user")[[1]]
password <- options("stacomiR.password")[[1]]
if (user=="") {
# this is the default options at start
# if interactive will try to set the options upon loading
if (interactive()){
user <- readline(prompt="Enter user: ")
password <- readline(prompt="Enter password: ")
} else {
user <- "group_stacomi"
password <- "group_stacomi"
warning('no user set by default, reverted to user <- "postgres" and password <- "postgres",
# assigned when passing through stacomi
database_expected <- get("database_expected", envir_stacomi) # logical true or false
if (database_expected) {
sch <- get_schema()
dbname <- options("stacomiR.dbname")[[1]]
host <- options("")[[1]]
port <- options("stacomiR.port")[[1]]
user <- options("stacomiR.user")[[1]]
password <- options("stacomiR.password")[[1]]
if (user == "") {
# this is the default options at start
# if interactive will try to set the options upon loading
if (interactive()) {
user <- readline(prompt = "Enter user: ")
options("stacomiR.user" = user)
password <- readline(prompt = "Enter password: ")
options("stacomiR.password" = password)
} else {
user <- "group_stacomi"
password <- "group_stacomi"
warning('no user set by default, reverted to user <- "postgres" and password <- "postgres",
you can change it with options("stacomiR.user"=user) and options("stacomiR.password"=password)')
con = new("ConnectionDB")
e = expression(con <- connect(con))
con = tryCatch(eval(e), error = function(e) e)
if ("Rcpp::exception"%in%class(con)){
test <- FALSE
} else {
test <- TRUE
# second test to check that the database is working OK
if (test) {
requete = new("RequeteDB")
requete@sql = paste0("select count(*) from ref.tr_taxon_tax")
message <- NULL
requete <- stacomirtools::query(requete)
if (grepl("Error",requete@status)) stop(requete@status)
if (nrow(requete@query) == 0) {
# the database link is not working or the
# schema
funout(paste(gettext("Problem during the test, connection to the database is established but failed to connect to the right schema argument passed to stacomi",
domain = "R-stacomiR"), "\n",
gettext("dbname", domain = "R-stacomiR")," :", dbname, "\n",
gettext("User", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", user, "\n",
gettext("Port", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", port, "\n",
gettext("Host", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", host, "\n",
gettext("Password", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", password),
gettext("schema", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", sch)
} else {
# the test has failed and the user will be prompted to another
funout(paste(gettext("Problem when testing the DB connection", domain = "R-stacomiR"),
gettext("dbname", domain = "R-stacomiR")," :", dbname, "\n",
gettext("User", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", user, "\n",
gettext("Port", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", port, "\n",
gettext("Host", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", host, "\n",
gettext("Password", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", password))
} # end else test (else == the test didn't pass, we have to change the name and password
} else {
# here : database_expected=FALSE we don't want to check the connection
# at all...
con <- new("ConnectionDB")
e <- expression(con <- connect(con))
con <- tryCatch(eval(e), error = function(e) e)
if ("Rcpp::exception" %in% class(con)) {
test <- FALSE
} else {
test <- TRUE
# second test to check that the database is working OK
if (test) {
requete <- new("RequeteDB")
requete@sql <- paste0("select count(*) from ref.tr_taxon_tax")
message <- NULL
requete <- stacomirtools::query(requete)
if (grepl("Error", requete@status)) stop(requete@status)
if (nrow(requete@query) == 0) {
# the database link is not working or the
# schema
gettext("Problem during the test, connection to the database is established but failed to connect to the right schema argument passed to stacomi",
domain = "R-stacomiR"
), "\n",
gettext("dbname", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", dbname, "\n",
gettext("User", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", user, "\n",
gettext("Port", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", port, "\n",
gettext("Host", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", host, "\n",
gettext("Password", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", password
gettext("schema", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", sch
} else {
# the test has failed and the user will be prompted to another
gettext("Problem when testing the DB connection", domain = "R-stacomiR"),
gettext("dbname", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", dbname, "\n",
gettext("User", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", user, "\n",
gettext("Port", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", port, "\n",
gettext("Host", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", host, "\n",
gettext("Password", domain = "R-stacomiR"), " :", password
} # end else test (else == the test didn't pass, we have to change the name and password
} else {
# here : database_expected=FALSE we don't want to check the connection
# at all...
@@ -91,42 +96,44 @@ load_stacomi <- function(...) {
#' stacomi Main launcher for program stacomi
#' When \code{database_expected=FALSE} a connection to the database is not expected. Therefore test are run by calling examples object stored in Rdata.
#' To change the language use Sys.setenv(LANG = 'fr') or Sys.setenv(LANG = 'en')
#' @param database_expected Boolean, if \code{TRUE} pre launch tests will be run to test the connection validity
#' @param datawd The data working directory
#' @param sch The schema in the stacomi database default 'test'.
#' @return Nothing, called for its side effect of loading
#' @usage stacomi(database_expected=TRUE, datawd = "~", sch = "test")
#' @usage stacomi(database_expected=TRUE, datawd = tempdir(), sch = "test")
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{}
#' @examples
#' require(stacomiR)
#' #launch stacomi
#' \dontrun{
#' stacomi(database_expected=TRUE, datawd='~',sch= "iav")
#' require(stacomiR)
#' # launch stacomi
#' \dontrun{
#' stacomi(database_expected = TRUE, datawd = tempdir(), sch = "iav")
#' }
#' # launch stacomi without connection to the database
#' stacomi(database_expected=FALSE)
#' stacomi(database_expected = FALSE)
#' # launch stacomi with options
#' options(
#' stacomiR.dbname = "bd_contmig_nat",
#' = readline(prompt = "Enter host: "),
#' stacomiR.port = "5432",
#' stacomiR.user = readline(prompt = "Enter user: "),
#' stacomiR.password = readline(prompt = "Enter password: ")
#' stacomiR.dbname = "bd_contmig_nat",
#' = readline(prompt = "Enter host: "),
#' stacomiR.port = "5432",
#' stacomiR.user = readline(prompt = "Enter user: "),
#' stacomiR.password = readline(prompt = "Enter password: ")
#' )
#' # another usefull option to print all queries run by stacomiR to the console
#' options('stacomiR.printqueries'= TRUE)
#' options("stacomiR.printqueries" = TRUE)
#' @export
stacomi = function(database_expected = TRUE, datawd = "~", sch = "test") {
assign("database_expected", database_expected, envir = envir_stacomi)
# values assigned in the envir_stacomi
assign("datawd", datawd, envir = envir_stacomi)
assign("sch", paste(sch, ".", sep = ""), envir = envir_stacomi)
stacomi <- function(database_expected = TRUE,
datawd = tempdir(),
sch = "test") {
assign("database_expected", database_expected, envir = envir_stacomi)
# values assigned in the envir_stacomi
assign("datawd", datawd, envir = envir_stacomi)
assign("sch", paste(sch, ".", sep = ""), envir = envir_stacomi)
@@ -135,7 +142,7 @@ stacomi = function(database_expected = TRUE, datawd = "~", sch = "test") {
#' Working environment for stacomiR created when launching stacomi()
#' This is where the graphical interface stores its objects
#' try \code{ls(envir=envir_stacomi)}
#' @keywords environment